Reports from Schools and New Grants May 2023

The Committee met recently and welcomed reports from the following schools:

Sampa Methodist Primary School; Kumawu Technical Institute; Kanvilli JHS; Hartley Technical School Kasoa; Lungbung Gurugu JHS; Gung AME Zion Primary School; Lung Gurugu Methodist Primary School.

Sampa Methodist Primary School Grant given for desks for KG1 and KG2
Excitement as the desks arrive!
New Desks in Use
Kanvilli Tawfikiya JHS Preparation for the classroom extension Baako and the Management Team discussing the way forward. 1200 blocks have been moulded and other materials purchased.
Preparatory work at Kanvilli Tawfikiya JHS
Lungbung Gurugu JHS (Northern Region)
Lungbung Gurugu JHS (Northern Region)

We have awarded new grants to:

Kumawu Technical Institute – £2000 for bunk beds; Zuarungu Moshie JHS – £2850 for classroom and office renovation and regravelling; Tibung DA Primary School £1500 for buildings renovation; Zugu Dagbone Technical Institute £1000; Sorugu JHS – £1500 for sanitation; Lungbung Gundaa Primary School – £3000 for classroom building.

We wish them all well.